Thursday, 5 December 2013

Arts Leadership: Shooting day (Week 4, day 1)

-To get ALL the footage we need
-To have a happy group, with no real arguments/if there are arguments handle them in a controlled manor
- Make sure the actors are happy

Okay! we have just finished filming the short film. It went pretty well I suppose... the actual shooting was fantastic, my main goal was to make sure the group got along with each other, the actors didn't feel left out and we finished and had all the footage we need.

We managed to get out the dolly and film a reverse dolly zoom, which went really well! it was such a great experience, it was really helpful for me too as it was enjoyable and gave me as a producer a role in the actual filming as I was allowed to pull back the dolly. So I at least contributed in some way. This did however take up lot's of time, time which we did not have. It did mean we were made to rush the last couple of shots but, I am sure it will be fine.

The only thing left now really is the edit; so excited for the editing of it! I will finally get to see it all come together tomorrow, fingers crossed we have all the shots we need.

I met all the aims I had for the day, only I have to admit that I felt slightly helpless as a producer when it came to the actual filming of it, I kept having to stop myself from taking over. I did however come up with a good solution, I ended up laying on the cold ground for a good hour or so playing the stand in dead body. Which was fine, we did all get along really well and come together as a group which is always nice to see, I made sure to make the actors feel welcome and treated them as equals; they seemed to be happy. There was no real argument though, they are a great group of people and at times we had to compromise but it never got too heated.

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